Winthrop's Reflection

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8/10/1820 I have lived passed the age of thirty and I thank God for every passing day. Winthrop and Lathrop have aged so quickly and the times when they were little have almost faded from memory. Autumn is soon to pass and with winter still a few months away, preparation is necessary to make sure we will continue unharmed by the unforgiving chill. The harvest is looking very good, while we will finish collecting, counting, and storing our crops soon enough. Our current stature on the taxation list is just, yet my words in the meetings are still not being heeded by my fellow men. With trading still to be done, I must limit any outlandish remarks towards any groups or individuals during the town meetings. During the winter, I will speak my mind of how our leaders continue to be unreasonable with our just amounts of taxation. 8/17/1820 During my talks with Lucretia at night, she has told me of her progress with our…show more content…
Change is needed and against my own feelings, I believe that tomorrow during the vote whether or not to enact the poor farm system, I will vote to start up the farm to help those that cannot help themselves learn to do so. I feel very grateful for everything we have on this farm and hope this program comes to fruition. Many of the neighbors have also been bringing up their opinions of slavery and whether or not to abolish it. I think nothing of it because any Negro townsfolk I see I do not regard as a slave. I believe that every man needs his freedom, and to deny that isn’t very American. We need men to work at places such as the construction of the new Erie Canal, which I’ve heard from others, is a marvel of its time. Being able to travel through the states on that man made river is outrageous, but to me if it isn’t a new way to sheer sheep, slaughter pigs, or collect massive amounts of crops then it isn’t that
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