Willard Vs. Marlow

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Willard vs. Marlow In Heart of Darkness, Marlow tells us a story of his last journey to Africa. In Apocalypse Now, we see Captain Willard’s journey in Vietnam. Marlow was sent on a mission to the heart of the Congo to see what had happened to Kurtz. Willard’s mission was to take Colonel Kurtz out of command up the Nung River. The superficial difference between Marlow and Willard is that Willard was a soldier in Vietnam, and Marlow was a sailor who was part of colonizing Africa. There is a less obvious difference between the two characters, and that is the way they experienced the “darkness”. Marlow and Willard both experienced evil in different ways on their trip. Marlow is completely oblivious to what the Europeans are actually doing in Africa. He said, “What redeems it is the idea only.” when he compared what the Europeans are doing in Africa to Rome’s conquest. He believed that the Romans were just savages and stole everything that they could. After his comparison, he said that what the Europeans are doing is different because they are bringing the “light” to Africa. The light in this context is used to mean “civilization”. Marlow believes that what the Europeans are doing is good because they are helping the Africans. The Europeans are doing the exact same thing as the Romans were when they colonized England. They are stealing all of Africa’s resources and giving the natives no benefit, and Marlow does not realize this. Captain Willard knows that what the United States is doing in Vietnam is bad. He is tired of being in the jungle and having to face people dying. Willard is aware that his assignment is wrong because he has done assassinations before. Unlike Marlow, Willard believes that the United States should not be in Vietnam doing what they are doing. Since Willard knows that what the army is doing is bad, he is not as oblivious to
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