Will Humans Destroy The Earth?

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Will Humans Destroy the Earth? In early prehistoric times, humans struggled to find the basic needs like food and shelter in order to survive. They had to gather and hunt for food and cut down trees for homes, humans circled the globe in order to find the best living conditions. Although, when technology began to improve, humans started to have a much greater impact on the planet. As human population growth rates start to increase dramatically, people are questioning whether the human race is destroying the earth, or making it a better place to live. In my opinion, I believe that human activities are destroying the earth. First, the earth is being destroyed because people (especially humans in developed countries like America) are overusing and misusing natural resources. A natural resource is a material that occurs in a natural state, like wood or fresh water. Natural resources can be categorized into renewable resources and nonrenewable resources, and human production is using both resources up so fast that in thirty years, the resources will be diminished. “The Living Planet report calculates that humans are using 30% more resources than the Earth can replenish each year.” Second, human activities on earth are causing calamitous and lamentable pollution. Pollution is the impairment to a natural environment caused by the introduction of harmful containments. For example, according to DOSomething.org, “1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are discharged into US waters annually.” US waters are being polluted every day because of sewage, and other substances. If humans continue to harm oceans and other bodies of water, then we are going to eradicate all aquatic vitality. Also, exhaust fumes emitted by cars and factories are destroying the ozone layer and causing the “greenhouse effect.” According to the Nuclear Age
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