Why Women Cannot Question Men Of Our Society?

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Why women cannot question men of our society? A girl from her birth to the maturity did not observe such activity in which her mother or sister question her father or her brother. Parents make up their minds that they cannot question the men. If she ever dared to ask then she is scolded by saying that she is not mature enough to understand or to talk on this matter. The dilemma behind this situation is the concept of superiority of the men over women. Our society considered man superiority in the following perspectives. Allah has bestowed men with more physical strength as compared to the women. Therefore, they considered to have ultimate right over all such things and possessions, which stipulate the use of physical power. It is the fact that the physically strong can do arduous tasks while the physically weak will take up simple and easy jobs. When we use this same logic man versus beast and said that Allah has granted more corporal muscle than men. Therefore, beasts are better and superior to men. As an outcome, this claim will have to be accepted as unconditionally as well. Then again, if the superiority of a Jackass cannot be proven in spite of its strength to carry such heavy burdens which man cannot lift, then men also cannot prove his superiority over women on the basis of possessing greater power for enduring arduous tasks. Men’s intellect is also considered greater than that of woman’s intellect. Therefore, women have always been considered deficient in understanding right through all eras and by all races. On the basis of this characteristic, women are deemed to lose faith in everything immediately; are considered unable to comprehend the true meaning of concepts and regarded as faithless, unreliable etc. In fact, even if the brainpower of women is found to be weaker than that of men with regard to scholarly knowledge then this is the obvious
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