Why the Death Penalty Should Be Banned!!

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Why the Death Penalty should be banned! As the prisoner walked down death row, he felt his stomach churn like a stormy sea. The guards walked him down row by row and he began to think his life over, so many bad choices and so many regrets. Soon he will run out of choices. This is why even the guilty should be spared from this terrible fate called the death penalty. The death penalty should be banned because of its expense, it goes against human rights and it is unfair to the innocent. The death penalty is an incredibly expensive program to run. The cost of keeping a prisoner in confinement through the appeal process is extensive. Add to that the cost of judges, police and the courts system the death penalty is a huge expense. Statistics have shown that the abolishment of the death penalty would save billions of dollars. The murdered victims family have lost love ones but the death penalty will not heal their wounds nor will it end their pain. Instead of the money being used for costly the process of executions could be used to help families put their lives back together through counselling, crime victim hotlines etc. The second reason for abolishing the death penalty would be that it is a violation of human rights. The extreme torturous executions styles of death are inhumane, such as medieval execution called the breaking wheel when the victim is hung on a wheel and beaten to death. The United States still uses the death penalty when 139 countries around the world have already abolished capital punishment. As the Americans have peace keeping groups all around the world and they still have the death penalty now to me that just sounds absurd. No person should be treated so savagely with such a horrible end. The third reason for stopping the death penalty is that it is unfair to the innocent. Many cases have shown that people on death row awaiting

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