Why Technology Is Beneficial

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Why Technology is Beneficial For decades now, we as humans have steadily developed a strong dependency on technology. Since technology comes in and is applied in a multitude of ways, it is nearly impossible for anyone to deny their relationship with technology. Whether or not people acknowledge it, technology has solved so many problems and has become such a convienence to our society that the evolution of it has improved living in so many ways. What farmer would have imagined that one day, he'd rest his horses and put machinery to work in the field, doing the same exact job while maximizing his profits? It is undeniable true that humans have gained more rather than losing with the utilization of technology. I strongly believe for a few reasons that technology is beneficial, in health care, communication, and in business. The term technology can be defined as the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. One of the many reasons that technology is beneficial is because we have better healthcare throughout the world. Had it not been for technology, X-Ray machines, Cat Scans, and oral prescription would be non existent in a world where illness and disease are on the rise. An example of healthcare evolution would simply begin with the stethoscope. Before this invention in 1816 by Rene Laennec, physicians would press the ear to the chest, leaving them to rely on the percussion of the heartbeat. With the stethoscope, it has become easier for doctors to make an accurate description of heart sounds and certain murmurs, ensuring that the proper treatment has taken place. Today, almost everything that happens in medical facilities are digital and computerized by means of
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