Why Russia Joined World War I

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Why Russia joined World War I Russia had alliances with Serbia and France to aid them if in need. When Austria issued the ultimatum to Serbia in 1914, and threatened to attack, Russia warned Austria and started a partial mobilization. This is where the system of alliances kicked in; because Germany mobilized in reaction and ultimately declared war on both Russia and France. Another contributing factor why Russia joined World War I on 1st August 1914 was the October revolution of 1905 when the people rose up against the Tsarist, autocratic government and other important moments that lead up to 1914 and the First World War. After the 1905 revolution Nikolas II of Russia decided to agree to the terms of the Liberal party (Russia) and create a Duma (Parliament). However the Tsar still believed in his total autocracy, as did his wife, and his Duma (based on the democratic Parliament in Britain) was definitely not a democratic system instead it was just a ‘puppet’ for the Tsar as he introduced the Fundamental Laws of Russia these laws gave the duma very little power. While the Duma held the power of legislation and the right to question the Tsar's ministers, it did not have control over their appointment or dismissal, which was reserved to the monarch alone. Also it couldn’t alter the constitution, apart from when the emperor agreed. The Tsar had the right to dismiss the Duma at any time, for any reason he found suitable. This was extremely detrimental to the Tsar relations with his people and therefore his Duma and as relations broke down with the Duma the people uprising began to start again. The arrival of Rasputin to the imperial palace was another reason as, although he was helping the son of the Tsar recover from his bouts of haemophilia, he was known as a womaniser. This was bad enough as it is but he also had a close relationship with the Tsar’s wife and
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