Why Pursue a Gsa Contract

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Today I want to look at why you should get a GSA MAS Contract in the first place. Let’s face it—you have a finite amount of money to spend on whatever you’re going to spend it on, so why hire a consultant or bring on a full time technical writer to get a contract that provides you no guaranteed income? That’s and excellent question, and I’m glad I asked it. How many of your business ventures provide you guaranteed income? I suppose signing the dotted line with your clients is one, but most of your business activities probably function as some kind of support for what you do or as an avenue to develop more opportunities to sign those dotted lines, right? Think of a GSA MAS Contract as the ultimate tool in marketing to and reaching the federal marketplace. Marketing in itself is an expense—it doesn’t generate income. But it does create opportunities for income, which is why smart, focused, specific marketing is always worth it: it more than pays for itself over time through the business opportunities it generates. A GSA MAS Contract, while not strictly a marketing venture—you’ve got to do your own government marketing and client development—opens a door to a whole world of business that you do not and cannot access without it. Without a GSA MAS Contract, you’re limiting your government business opportunities to open, competitive bids. Many times you’re offering bids for proposals that have already worked their way through the GSA system with no one offering to fulfill the contract. And again, you have no certainty of business—you could spend $4,000 or $5,000 on a single bid for a government contract and get nothing from it. With a GSA MAS Contract, you don’t have to do any bidding because you’ve already pre-negotiated all of your pricing through the GSA. So you know, before even accepting a contract, exactly what your expenses and profits are going to be—a huge

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