Why People Wear Makeup Essay

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Why People Wear Make-Up Today, makeup has become a hot topic among society. Almost everyone applies make-up on their faces. Everyone knows that women apply makeup the most, but not men. Do really only females can do make-up or apply makeup? No! The era is changing now. In order to enhance physical appearance, men apply make-up on their faces too. They apply make-up just to change the appearance of the current outlook. They just want to show more confidence without the shallow eyes after make-up was applied. Besides that, men apply make-up due to the rise of the metro-sexual; make-up is the right of men, too, and no longer the sole right of women. Finally there are drag queens that use their creativeness to look like a woman with the usage of makeup. Therefore, there are three reasons why women and men apply make-up to their faces: Women use makeup to enhance their features or even to hide some features that aren’t particularly appealing; men love make-up because they have started to become concerned about their physical appearance; drag queens find ways to express themselves with makeup using their creativity as art. Normally, most women love putting make-up on in order to enhance their physical appearance. Some of the basic reasons are to gain self-confidence and, for very young women, to appear older. Women often feel that they look very plain and unattractive without makeup or accessories. Some women feel that extensive makeup treatments are necessary to get them to a state in which they can appear in public. For example, they may do something as simple as highlighting one or two areas, such as their eyes and eyebrows. They may use several steps in the makeup process, including a base, powder, cheek color or blush and lipstick to draw attention to the mouth. Many young women use makeup to achieve an older appearance, while older women use certain makeup

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