Why People Take Risks

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Sean O’Connor Ms. Rivera Period 4 BLOOM’s Essay 9/27/11 Why People Take Risks People take risks because risks help one find one’s true self. If people take risks they learn more about themselves. If a person lives their life completely unwilling to break the routine or take any risks then they will never know for sure what kind of person they are, only that they are hesitant to step outside the norm. People have to be very afraid of what might happen in order to avoid taking any risks; they live their lives always doing their best to follow the cautious, safe route. Those individuals who take risks are braver in the face of things that may happen but may be fearful in their current situations; however they will confront these situations regardless. Chris McCandless was not afraid to go into the wilderness and live of his own accord. Chris McCandless left home directly after college to travel across the country and live out of his backpack. McCandless began his travels in his car. After it broke down he took what he could carry and kept on travelling. He made his way through California and the North American West Coast…show more content…
When snowboarding, one hurtles down a mountain through snow, ice and whatever else is under the frozen surface of the snow. Rocks and trees are dangers to those who may be more experienced riders and stray from the path, and sometimes even for those who do not. Every once in a while there are rocks and other protuberances directly beneath the snow which could send a boarder tumbling and sliding face first down the mountainside. However, oftentimes this is why people enjoy snowboarding. The speed, the danger, the uncertainty, they all add and are transformed into adrenaline highs. It makes the rider afraid, but at the same time it is wildly exhilarating. As the rider begins to go faster than they are used to the experience becomes even better. Just like snowboarding is exhilarating, so is taking

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