Why Music Is Important to Many People?

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Music is very important part of my life and I cannot even imagine it without music. I guess that every person has its own, certain reasons to listen music, however it is not difficult to describe and summarize this reasons and finally answer the question - why music is so important. To do this, first of all I need to describe why music is so important to me. Definitely, music can help me in my work. When I'm working, I can complete my tasks more effectively with music, actually it depends on type and goals of my work. If I forced to deal with some daily routine procedures connected with my job, then I want to make it as fast as possible - the most suitable decision for me is listen to the music with fast rhythm. If I need to make some more thoughtful and accurate work, one's can find me listening to the deep and slow electronic music. In both cases music on a background, helps to keep necessary concentration and attention. Taking into account that I am not so unique as a human being on this planet, we can infer that music helps us to manage with our work in more pleasurable way. Second thing is that music can increase my mood, inspire me and make me feel better. Often concrete set of songs are associated with certain moments of life. I can remember many situations when I was upset and music helped me to stabilize myself and made my mindset more positive. Another great fact about music is that it can motivate and inspire you on doing things, however it is always tempting just to spent some time on relaxing and listening for the good music after hard day and a bottle of good wine with a good company of my friends. Music is not just an ordered sequence of sounds. Music is something that beyond and within our minds. It can help us with our work and at the same time it can help us to have a good time, make our mood better, motivate and inspire for new

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