Why Juveniles Should Be Tried as Adults

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Latoya Rudd March 4, 2013 ENG101 Section 3 Prosecuting Juveniles as Adults: Availability Is Everything If you bought one loaf of bread, only to find that a few slices were not as fresh as you thought, would you stop buying bread forever? Not if you still needed it for the many bread related meals in your kitchen. The same concept should go for the laws to try a juvenile as an adult: The laws may not be perfect or for everyone but you still need them to be available for cases that strongly calls for them. Each case should be determined by the “mitigating factors”, such as age, maturity and capability to agree to adult terms, and the “aggravating factors, such as the severity of the crime, the threat to public safety…, and the offender's criminal history” (Backstrom). When these factors do not work in the young offenders favor, that child should be held accountable for their actions. Also, the repeat offenders of the juvenile court system knows that nothing serious will be done to them as long as they are under the age 18, in most states. Justice should have no age limit or any other exceptions. This does not mean that there are not minor flaws in the laws of processing children in adult courts, but we definitely do not want to give up on bread forever because of a few slices being defective. Juvenile courts do not have proper laws to fairly prosecute violent crimes to the fullest extent. Unpunished offenders will move on to bigger and worse crimes as they get older. If they learn that it is unacceptable early in life, they have a brighter future than those who take juvenile court as a joke, knowing the limits to their punishment. In a juvenile processing, the most they will get is put on house arrest, in a detention center, or maybe a combination of the two. It is already dreadful enough that, according to Jessica Wilde, “The privacy of minors is
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