Why It’s Important to Get a College Degree and My Learning Styles

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Why it’s important to get a college degree and my learning styles Personal essay There are many reasons for a person to want to get a college degree and different ways for a person to accomplish that depending on how you learn. Many people find it hard to complete college online because of their learning style same as to go into a class room with students. There are different learning styles and reasons for getting a degree. In this essay I will tell you my learning styles how I learn and why it’s important for me to complete college and get a degree. A college degree can get you far in life although many that are far didn’t even complete high school not everyone has the same luck. People seek a college degree for different reasons; my reason is for a backup plan if my first plan doesn’t work. I believe everyone should have a backup plan just in case one door closes you have the ability to open another. A college degree means a lot to me right now as a young woman in this world. It increases my ability to do something and gives me more opportunities. Completing college to get a degree will give me a strong sense of pride and self, having the degree will better my confidence and it will single me out from the ones who don’t own one. The pros of education far exceed the cons. It is important for one to have an education for my own satisfaction, as well as better job opportunities and it is a good investment for my future. I am currently enrolled in online college and I am pushing myself to stay focused. Styles of learning have great effect on getting your degree. There are plenty ways of learning and different ways to get your degree. The inventories that I took explained to me why and how I am a social and logical learner and it does describe my learning ways. I am a logical and social learner and I agree with that because learning logical means, “you like

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