Why Is the Madman About the Fact That We Never Can Truly Understand Each Other

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Introduction: If Guy de Maupassant’s story, “The diary of a Madman” teaches one thing is that we never can truly know or understand people around us. We can’t for the simple reasons that first, everyone has its darkest secrets and secondly, because there is no way for a human being to share every single one of its thoughts. Body: “Everybody has its darkest secrets” actually means that you cannot expect to understand someone without knowing this person at its worst. At one point, the judge in this story was really at its worst, constantly asking himself questions, to the point that he went against the basic rules of human civility and ended up murdering to satisfy its curiosity. The world view him as a “high-court judge, an honest and incorruptible magistrate, whose impeccable life was held up as an example in every court in France”. They thought they knew him, but it was in fact just a mask that he wore in public. Deep inside of him, he was hiding cruel crimes and socially unacceptable thoughts. Maupassant also mentioned that his journal was found by an “astonished solicitor”. The word astonished here is very important because it says that he was wasn’t expecting these acts coming from such an honorable judge. The second reason says that there is no way for a human being to share every single one of its thoughts. During the reading of that story, we actually were reading the judge’s diary. We were, in a way, reading his mind. By reading what was going through his mind and the evolution of his questioning, we can understand why he killed (without having to agree, of course). The details were very descriptive of how he turned insane: “Temptation! Ah temptation has eaten into me […] I must kill!”. If the story itself was reported without the progression of his mental health in the diary, there would be a totally other opinion of him. Viewing the acts

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