Why Is The American Dream Still Alive

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11 September 2012 ------------------------------------------------- The American Dream ------------------------------------------------- The leader and inspiration of our country, President Barack Obama, once said, "This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope." This quote accurately depicts that the goal of reaching the American Dream is still alive today. That even through hard times we look to be happy and achieve our goals. I believe it is easier now to achieve the American Dream than when it was first defined by our forefathers. -------------------------------------------------…show more content…
That’s been the main poster for America for a long time and is what everyone who lives here would like to achieve at some point in their life. Xavier University’s “State of the American Dream” survey states, “The four most prominent definitions of the American Dream are a good life for family, financial security, opportunity, and freedom”. If there is one message the United States has always relayed to the whole world about our country it's that "every man is created equal". So for years immigrants from all over the world fled to America in hopes of equal opportunities in achieving their American Dream. But what we preached was not always what we practiced and living the American Dream was not always as easy to accomplish then as it is
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