Why Is Denim So Important In Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men Major Assessment Chapter 1 1. “Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders.” Page 2 Both George and Lennie were both obviously living a day to day life; not knowing what would happen, they had their belongings on them and were walking from place to place; their hats were used to protect them from the son as they were walking. Both being dressed shows that they’re ready for some physical work, because denim is a very versatile fabric and good for work on farms and other physically extensive work places. 2. Lennie is a lover of all sorts of animals and also loves soft things, he likes to pet them and feel them. Whenever Lennie gets a hold of an animal, he…show more content…
When George realizes that Curley is going to kill l Lennie but not in an unpainful way and slow way, George realizes that the only way to stop Curley from brutally killing Lennie is to steal Carlson's luger and kill Lennie Himself, George knew he was going to die anyway. 15. Curleys wife is not an evil person, she is just trying to get people to notice her. She is lonely because she is forced to stay in the house alone. Curley does not want her to talk to any of the guys working on the farm. When she was talking to Lenny before she died, all she wanted to do was talk to someone and be acknowledged Chapter 6 16. George at the end of the book tries to calm Lennie down by making him think of their dream of owning a farm and having animals and being able to live by themself and do things by themself. George is probably trying to make sure that Lennie last thought is a good one. 17. Slim is trying to comfort George towards the end of the story. He knew that he had just killed his best friend, and tried to comfort him by taking him out for a drink. Slim twitched George’s elbow. “Come on, George. Me an’ you’ll go in an’ get a

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