Why I Want A Wife Essay

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Normally when reading the title of this piece you would think that “Why I Want a Wife” would somehow be related to a single bachelor, male or female. We soon learn that the narrator is female, and is also currently a wife in a stable relationship. After taking in an old friend that had been victim to divorce with his wife, she then suddenly has an epiphany, that she too would like a wife. When I read this line I thought that this was going to be a piece about a lesbian woman in today’s society looking for a wife. As I continued reading I became more intrigued as to why the twists and turns in the story were taking me where they were. Soon enough I found myself more disturbed and even angered as I began to catch on to Judy’s style of deception. Instead of expressing her feelings of joy of having a wife as I originally thought she had been, she was instead taking a shot at all men with wives. This becomes obvious about half way through the article when the tone shifts from happy and enjoyable to sarcastic and direct. The reader then realizes that each paragraph and/or complete thought about having a wife starts with, “I want a wife...” and ends with a specific demand or how something should be accomplished. To me, this is not appreciated one bit. Ultimately, Judy Brady wants to point out that it’s not fair in today’s society that wives are often told to do all of the household chores, take care of the children, and then take care of every need of the husband. I am not blind. I understand that in a lot of cases in the world today that the husband works all day at work and the wife does everything else. But being a child that has been through a divorce through my middle school years and having to deal with it while having no one to turn to for support or guidance was one of the reasons why I am who I am today. Now that I have grown older I have pieced
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