Why I Joined Rots

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Why I Joined JROTC I joined ROTC for many reasons. The first reason and probably the most important reason I joined was to help my community and better myself. My JROTC has done many things already such as marching in the parade, providing security for Plano games, and car washes. I have become more involved in my community and even made some friends along the way. I have learned very valuable information that will help me in school and life. I have been dreaming of being in the Army or Marines since I was born. I was told after completing ROTC and finishing officer’s school I would get the first four years of college free depending on what branch I wanted to join. I also wanted to join to make friends and be in a class that goes beyond the classroom. I have made many friends including Cadet/Private Sommermeyer and Cadet/Private Tatum. These many friends extend beyond the JROTC classroom and will no doubt be there when I most need them to be. Another thing ROTC is good for is community service hours. My counselor has already given me a community service worksheet to fill out whenever I do something and she says it will help me get into a much better college and will also look good on my Job/college application. JROTC also inspires me to work hard in school and out of school. Every decision I make I think to myself, will this hurt or boost my career as a student. JROTC is a step into my military career, with the help of my platoon and company leaders I am sure that I will learn many valuable skills that will help me join and strive in the Marines. For me JROTC is a beacon amongst the dark sky, and I will always remember it as

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