Why I Became a Nurse

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12/9/2014 English Comp I |By: Nia Witherspoon | | Personal Essay | | Personal Essay | Why I became a Nurse? I heard those dreadful words, “I want a Divorce”. Those four words change my life. At that time my life was over. I was with this man for 7 years, I gave him two handsome boys, and my whole life was centered on this man. So the day I heard those words “I want a Divorce” was one of the worst days of my life. I felt that after that day my life was over. What did I have to live for? So many thoughts and emotions were racing threw my head. That day I knew I didn’t want to live anymore. After a week went by, I was in a deep depression. I cried and cried nonstop for two weeks straight. I didn’t have the strength to do any of my daily activities, nor did I have the strength or energy to take care of my children. In my mind I was worthless. I didn’t have anything to live for. So I decided to end my life. My plan was I could no longer go on any longer with this pain and depression in my heart and life. Not only did I decide to take my life I was taking my boys life too! My mother tried every day to help me. She basically raised my boys in the two months I stayed with her. She would always tell me “Nia I’m hurting because I don’t know how to help you”. The best thing I did was explain to my mother my pain and hurt I was feeling inside. I also mention my plan on ending me and my children life. My mother said to me “I Love you” and she 302 me into a behavioral inpatient facility. I was in Belmont Behavior Center for two weeks. My diagnosis was Depression with Suicidal Ideals. My time spent in this facility had a great impact on my life and my children. The treatment I received while in the facility helped me cope with the deep issues I was dealing with in my personal life. I underwent an extensive program in recovering from a mental breakdown. I remember the

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