Why Growth Is Good

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Why Growth is Good Economic growth may be defined as ‘a long-run increase in an economy’s productive capacity and trend output’, or as describe in different economic dictionaries “an increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one period of time to another”. It is an important part in the development of the economy to allow the right utilization of the commodities and the enhancement of living standards. However, there are some cases that “economic growth” is not a steeply process; making a rapid economic growth that divulges several positives and negatives consequences for the society. According to the article, countries like US, UK and other European nations have been induced to slower economic growth and people are more deliberate and conservative about the expenditure. And also, on the basis of the article, economic growth is important, but does it cause to demolish forest and polluting the environment, and discharging harmful effects into the air causing climate change? It explains in different directions that the growth is not just about economics. Growth unleashes human potential. It turns personal aspirations into positive achievements like improvisation of public health and better education. It also states, despite the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a crude way of gauging, the GDP or National Income of the country is escalating, it implies that the country is experiencing an economic growth which in fact is a positive indication. It was also stated in the article that, despite having a good economic growth, poorer nations are likely to be more in a difficult position and unmanageable than the wealthier ones because of the unavailability of resources to maintain and develop the society and the environment in good physical conditions, and also health and safety measures. For an example, people don’t have sufficient
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