Why Globalization Is Beneficial

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Why Globalization is Beneficial The globalization of third world countries has become a hot-topic in many academic journals and well-respected magazines. Published in NYU’s Global Beat Syndicate, the Common Dreams website and Human Quest is an article by Laura Carlsen, “WalMart vs. Pyramids.” Throughout this article Carlsen attempts to persuade readers to be against globalization in Mexico. Carlsen’s article is unpersuasive due to her failed use of logos and ethos. In contrast, the article “Why Globalization is Good” by Robyn Meredith and Suzanne Hoppough, makes a very persuasive argument for globalization because the authors argue their point by using strong logos and ethos. Globalization is beneficial to developing countries because it raises income, creates jobs and creates an economy where it is possible for people to afford nice things. Throughout Meredith and Hoppough’s article readers are presented with strong examples of logos. Meredith and Hoppough give hard facts and evidence that support globalization and make readers see the good in globalization. The author’s choose to show the positive effects of globalization through facts and statistics. For example Meredith and Hoppough state “Per-person income in china has climbed from $16 a year in 1978 to $2,000 now” (Meredith and Hoppough 393). When readers hear these numbers they should be astounded. The fact that the yearly salary average raised $1984 in 29 years is astonishing, and to think that that is only possible because of globalization. This example strengthens their argument for globalization because there are actual numbers and studies done to prove what they are saying. Meredith and Hoppough are saying that globalization is good for the economy and then they are giving facts from credible sources to back up their statements. Another example of excellent logos in this article is when Meredith and

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