Why Eat Organic Eat

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Why Eat Organic Meat Do you eat organic meat? If you answered no to this question, you are just like other millions of Americans who are oblivious to the fact that non-organic meat is not only bad for you, but is also bad for the environment. Non-organic meat also promotes animal cruelty in some cases. A few reasons why you should eat organic meat include the fact that producers add hormones and other chemicals to generic meat brands; today’s factory farms pollute our environment, and the abuse and ill treatment of animals is often an occurrence for some factory farmers. According to the nutrition labels in today’s generic meat brands such as Great Value, Oscar Meyer, and Hampshire Farms, preservatives and other chemicals such as sodium phosphates, sodium ascorbate, sodium nitrate and hormones are added. “Growth promoting implants have been used extensively in beef production for over 30 years,” says Carl Birkelo of Schering-Plough Animal Health in the article Beef Cattle Implants. Some examples of synthetic hormones that are added to the meat production in order to increase production are Zeranol, Trenbolone, and Melengestrol. These chemicals can harm your body by stunting children’s growth and lead to the development of colon, prostate, and breast cancer in humans. Why take the risk of developing these illnesses or side effects when you could be eating healthy, chemical- free meat, that was naturally raised? The meat industry’s factory farms are absolutely disgusting and are harmful to our environment as well! The added hormones that are injected into the animals have to pass through also just like the food. In the animal’s feces, the chemicals exist. The mass production of animals in the factory farms is obviously going to produce a lot of manure. So, what happens to all this manure? Well, some of it runs into nearby streams and water plants! Would

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