Why Did the Liberals Introduce the Liberal Social Reforms of 1906-1914?

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Between the years of 1906-1914 many Liberal Social reforms were introduced to try and improve the lives of the poor. In the late 19th century and early 20th century there were high levels of poverty due to malnutrition and disease. Previous to the reforms the Government had taken a ‘laissez faire’ approach in the running of the country. There are many factors to be examined when trying to understand why there was sudden change of view from the government on the poor of society and why these Liberal Social Reforms were introduced. One of the possible factors was the genuine concern that they felt towards the poor. However, this argument cannot be ignored but it would prove too simplistic and explanation on why the Liberals introduced the social reforms. There are a number of other factors which led too the introduction of the Reforms one being the social reports of Booth and Rowntree that confirmed poverty was a big issue. Also the fact that Britain feared her place being a top industrial power was threatened by a lack of good workers, britains Empire was still extremely important to her and they had discovered when recruiting for the Boer war that many men were unable to fight due to poor health. Some even argue that the Reforms were introduced for politically selfish reasons as they believed that the Liberals felt threatened by the Labour party. The final factor that can be argued is that the emergence of New Liberals who believed in involvement and had radical ideas meant that it would be unlikely that major changes wouldn’t occur. All of this evidence show that genuine concern was a factor in causing the Liberal Social Reforms however there were other factors that contributed to introduction of these
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