Why Did the European Powers Seek to Establish Their Empires Between 1870 and 1923?

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This essay will try and examine why three of the European powers attempted to establish or expand their empires in the period between 1870 and 1923. The three countries that shall be focused on are Britain, France and Germany. During this period, Britain already had a vast empire but they continued to expand it as well as asserting dominance around the world. The reasons for this shall be analysed. France also had an existing empire but they too continued to expand. This essay will discuss the factors behind this. Finally, Germany’s expansion and establishment of an empire will be looked at. At this time Germany did not possess any territory outside of Germany. The reasons for them to want to establish control beyond this will be discussed. The idea that imperial activities brought the countries into conflict will also be covered throughout this essay. It is hoped that by focusing on these three key countries a better understanding of why they, as well as other European countries established and expanded their empires during this time will be gained. eral reasons for this. According to Robert Tombs in his book ‘France 1814 – 1914’, Britain’s expansion was ‘motivated by finance, trade, strategy, ideology and accident’. There were several territories within the British Empire, ‘like the Transvaal, Egypt and the Yangtse valley’ which provided great profit. It is believed by some historians that the British conquest of Egypt in 1882 took place because the British wanted to gain a profit from the area. The same can be said about all the European powers and their presence in Africa. At the end of the nineteenth Century, The British extended their control in Sierra Leon, Ashantiland and Niger. Several different companies were set up throughout the African territories under British control and their only interest was to make a profit. Even though Britain controlled a vast
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