Why Did the Cold War Start?

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Why did the Cold War start? The Cold War was a geopolitical, economic and ideological struggle between the two world superpowers that arose from the aftermath of World War II. Arguably, it spanned from the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the fragmentation of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991. The fifty yearlong struggle was waged through various proxy wars, where economic and military aid was meted out to other warring countries’ sides; whereby the victor would defend the interests of either the USSR or USA. Fears of ideological shifts in the political stage over Western and Eastern Europe also shifted the intensity of foreign policy intervention of both sides. Furthermore, the invention of the Atom bomb grossly increased the Soviet suspicions of the spread capitalist imperialism, leading to an arms race which expanded not only military presence in other countries, but also led to the rapid development of space programs. This war was not only limited to an increase in military and political involvement, but also a tightening of cultural and social reforms, sowing the seeds of ‘McCarthyism’ within the U.S. and strengthening Stalin’s paranoia of western imperialism. The geopolitical stage set after World War II emerged two superpowers, the U.S.A and USSR. The Soviet Union had lost more than 20 million of its people, compared with the American losses of less than half a million. Already, the spheres of influence are set by the USSR’s domination over Eastern Europe and Eastern Germany; whereas the ‘west’ gained control over Western Europe and Western Germany. Soviet fears of the U.S. bidding for world supremacy were ignited by this point, as the U.S. had come out stronger and in the words of Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Novikov “the foreign policy of the United States… reflects the imperialist tendencies of American monopolistic capital, is characterized in
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