Why Did so Many People Die in the Pakistan Earthquake?

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Pakistan Assessment: Why did so many people die in the Pakistan Earthquake? On 8th October 2005, a devastating earthquake struck at the town of Muzaffarabad in Kashmir located in the country of Pakistan at about 8:50 am in the morning. It registered a moment magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale, affecting millions of people. Figures have shown that about 88,710 people died, 106,266 people were injured and up to three million became homeless and without proper shelter. There were many reasons why so many people died in the Pakistan Earthquake. One reason is that Pakistan is an LEDC (Low economically developed country) because their GNP per capita (the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in a year, divided by the total population) was $460, whereas Japan, an MEDC, had $39, 640, which shows a big difference to the amount of wealth between the two countries. This means that the investment into the strength and quality of the buildings is different because of the materials used and how the structure of the building was built in both countries. The materials may not have been strong enough as they would have in a richer country because they were much cheaper as the government could not afford better quality materials. Therefore, the buildings collapsed trapping many people under the rubble. Similarly, as the earthquake occurred in October, a cold month, people were at risk of a condition called hypothermia. If people caught hypothermia then it could get worse and they would eventually die. This leads to the fact that the cold weather made it time-consuming for emergency services to rescue people, which made recovery from the disaster much harder. People who were trapped or injured were needed to be rescued, but there were not many emergency services available. However, the only way help could get to people was by helicopter. But, an
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