Why Are Finland's So Successful Summary

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A SUMMARY AND 2. A Summary and Response Essay of “Why are Finland's School's so Successful?” by LynNell Hancoc The Finland school system has mastered the education department very well. “97 percent of Finns graduate from academic high schools”(p. 2) according to LynNell Hancoc in the article “Why are Finland's School's so Successful?” as apposed to the declining percent of United States graduates. There are many techniques in teaching, the Finns use that others may view as not ordinary. Although this may not be the “right” way to teach, by others standards, they seem to be working more than ever. The academic process Finns present to their students, has many countries baffled wanting to know, what is Finland's secret? The steps to becoming successful may not sound typical but, Finns provide school funding, smaller schools, and knowledge of a class rather than the grade. The steps Finns take and the different outlook on many things help the learning process. Finland's school's allow them to receive the funding they need to better the children's education. “School's provide food, medical care, counseling, and taxi service if needed.” (p. 3) Many children who go to school in Finland are immigrants and need as much assistance as possible. Going…show more content…
Children like to feel cared about. To establish a good connection with the students it is better to make sure they know who they are dealing with. This way at the start of a new school year they will not be afraid to jump right in and start the learning process. In big schools there is not always the easiest way to make that happen. In Finland “one teacher will most likely teach one set of students for 5 years.” (p.4 ) This helps the teachers connect with the students on so many levels. They create a friendship with their teacher and their teacher gets to know who they

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