Who You Callin A Bitch Queen Latifah Analysis

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Identity is shaped by personal choices and life experiences. These experiences and altercations are used as building blocks to establish each human being. In the essay “Who you Callin’ a Bitch, Queen Latifah,(p.33) she states “I’ve had to bury my big brother, Winki, and I have also wanted to die myself. I’ve felt low, and I’ve felt on top of the world. Through it all I never forgot who I am.” The quote above illustrates that without the life experiences that the author has faced, she would not be as strong as she is in the present. The strength that she possesses has allowed her to overcome various hardships such as the loss of a close family member and growing up in a rough neighborhood. These experiences then make up identity and form who the person is and have a huge role in who they will become. In the essay Alter Egos: Avatars and Their Creators, Julian Dibbell,(p.53) people create avatars to substitute reality for fantasy. People create avatars of how they would like to perceive themselves in this world taking on a new persona. In this article, to support that identity is influenced by personal choices, it states, “We fall in…show more content…
This is change is crucial to a person establishing normalcy in their life. The assumption that personal choice is used to establish identity may be difficult to argue against the assumption about identity coming from culture. Culture can play a minor role in creating one’s self as states in the essay, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, Gloria Anzaldua, (p.77)“I, and all Chicano students, were required to take speech classes. Their purpose: to get rid of our accents.” The accent is part of your culture, your culture is part of your identity. Even though her mother wanted her to speak English to blend in, it was the authors’ decision to hold onto both

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