Who Dealt with the Situation of the Cuban Missile Crisis the Best

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The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was an event that occurred during the Cold War. It can be seen as the peak of the Cold War as it heightened tensions between USA and the USSR. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be seen as a triumph for both countries, as their rested interests were achieved during this crisis. The USSR was able to force Kennedy into making concessions and removing the Jupiters from Turkey and reach a state of compromise. USA, on the other hand, managed to gain popularity and prestige by avoiding direct nuclear confrontation with the USSR even though he made the concession to remove the Jupiters from Turkey. Overall, it was more of an open triumph for Kennedy rather than Khrushchev as he gained more prestige and trust as president and global recognition for his efforts in preserving world peace. For Krushchev, it was a triumph as he managed to force Kennedy into making concessions – the removal of the Jupiters from Turkey which were of a threat and the promise to not invade Cuba. Khrushchev’s gambit of installing missiles in Cuba was a success in forcing Kennedy into making these concessions he would not have otherwise made. He had managed to avoid direct confrontation with the USA by claiming that the Cuban missiles served as deterrence to US invasion, which was in fact a bluff. No major sacrifices from the USSR were made and the power balance between USA and the USSR tilted towards the favour of the USSR. Through USSR’S intervention and “intrusion” into US territory in the Cuban Missile Crisis, USSR was able to gain a better bargaining position over Berlin and other areas of conflict, allowing it to deflect American attention from its military weaknesses and allowing it to protect its defenses better. The defense of Cuba was not critical to the USSR as it was not worth sacrificing the USSR just because of Cuba. Furthermore, the USSR’s military
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