White Slavery Research Paper

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MISUNDERSTOOD JUSTIN DABNEY JOURNAL ENTRY I strive for excellence wanting to achieve goals that were not exhibited to me by peer and or parents. How can I be label as the working classes but still live in poverty? The government enables me to put food on my table through food stamp and keeps my house warm by the usage of public service (HEAP). I work, but why do I not feel that I am head of my household. Chapter 12 of American Society it states “Some people may be inclined to dismiss these observations because they are based on the relative poverty measure rather than some absolute poverty line” Why should I consider levels of poverty as if one is greater than the other. I work and lose my job, not privileged to another because I don’t…show more content…
Sadly, racism has been around for thousands of years. Even during Jesus’ times, racism was very much alive in the local towns and cities. However, the Bible says everybody is fearfully and wonderfully made. Not on person is exactly like the other. Everybody including myself, has shortfalls and have failed expectations, but in my opinion that is not reason to maliciously ignore, torture, or think of a race in a biased way simply because of their looks, dialect, or descent. Our generation should not make opinions on a race as a whole based on their prior personal experiences. However, unfortunately people do. Most recently I have seen friends putting down the Iraqi and Iranian races as a whole because the countries are well known for terroristic activity. However, this really gets to me, as I have met both Iranians and Iraqi’s who are on fire for God meaning enthusiastic and loves him with all their hearts. Racism needs to stop in all areas of life. I may have a personal responsibility to society and to myself but for the reason there will forever be a struggle. “What happen to racism, to beliefs about blacks’ mental, moral, and intellectual inferiority, to the idea that it is the black mans’ own fault that is a lower-caste” How true is this when you prohibit me to
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