White Siberian Tiger

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White Siberian Tiger There are many endangered species. Over 10, 801 different species are considered to be endangered. An endangered species is a population of organisms that is at risk of becoming extinct. This is caused by human’s destruction of habitats and poaching. In order to prevent more species from becoming extinct, the endangered species act was enacted. It was enacted in December 28, 1973 and was designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a consequence of economic growth and development().The law requires federal agencies to ensure that actions they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any listed species or disrupt the critical habitat of such species. The law also prohibits any hunting of any listed species of endangered fish or wildlife. One of the biggest animals that is in critical danger of becoming extinct is the White Siberian Tiger. The White Siberian Tiger can grow to be nine to ten feet long and weight up to 600 pounds. Its scientific name is Panthera Tigris Alcataica and it is also known as the “Snow Tiger” Its top speed is 60 miles per hour. It lives a solitary life and up to 25 years. The tiger’s main prey is deer, cattle, and wild boar. It is white with brown stripes. The stripes act a camouflage in tall grasses and trees. Its coat protects it in hot and cold weather. It has a well-developed night vision and prefers to hunt during the night when it can surprise its prey. It has a very strong sense of smell, and is an excellent swimmer. Siberian White Tigers ambush their prey, observing their prey for long periods of time. These tigers are extremely strong. They render their prey helpless by pouncing on them and inflicting a series of deadly bites into the animal’s spine or throat. These tigers can cover 6-12 miles each night in search for food. The

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