Whirlpool Launches Affordable Washer in Brazil and China

638 Words3 Pages
CASE 2 Whirlpool launches affordable washer in Brazil and China 1. - According to the article, in Brazil Whirlpool has divided the market in these different kinds of segmentation: - Demographic segmentation: as we can see with “Ideale”, that is clearly designed for a specific consumer that we could define as families with low income that until nowadays could not boy washing machines. - Geographic segmentation: in developing countries such as Brazil, the market is segmented according to geographic criteria. - Psychographic segmentation: focused on people with particular lifestyles because, for example, housewives want more time for themselves. 2. – This segment is so attractive in countries like this because they are developing countries where in the last years the economy has grown and lots of families have prospered, so companies like Whirlpool have a great opportunity trying to enter in these new middle class people life’s. 3. – The company has used the tastes of their target audience to develop the new product in Brazilian market. They want a model affordable to costumers with a low income, so they create Ideale, a system where clothes are washed and spun without switching gears in order to cut costs. They also adapt their design to the Brazilian habits as we can see in the article. 4. - In depth interviews are those where one interviewer interacts with one respondent at a time and require previous planification. They are more expensive to conduct and the interviewer can ask more questions and add comments such as how does the interviewed look like. That means that it can also be distorted by the interviewer.Is usual to contact respondents by telephone.This method is well suited for business-to-business surveys and they also work for consumer satisfaction, retention, product development, concept testing and many other types of projects.

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