Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Character Analysis Essay

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Connie In Joyce Carol Oates’s story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” the utilization of characters as her most important narrative component can evidently be seen. It is by means of the two leading characters that the narrative is set out. The leading character, Connie, is undoubtedly the most important character of the story, she can be deemed a dynamic and round character. Connie is a young fifteen year old girl and basically the typical adolescent girl from that period. Connie was overwhelmed in the fact that she was very good looking and attractive. The majority of girls wish to be noticed, however, for Connie that was the one and only thing she possessed. She based her aspects on her look exclusively, neglecting the important factors of her personality like lack of confidence, two sides of her and her change with the arrival of her friend. Connie’s lack of confidence regarding her own sense of worth also shows her low self-esteem. In relation to this, low self-esteem is described as a conviction that we are less significant or less valuable than other individuals around us. In view of the fact that Connie is found in the low sense of worth category, it is likely that she feels this manner in relation to her life.…show more content…
She is misled by him, and yet simultaneously frightened. With the arrival of Arnold, Connie starts change from being so self confident and out spoken. His strength over her and his intimidations of her family start make her more altruistic and unselfish. In fact it is likely that Connie goes with him, not for terror of her life, but from dread of her family members’lives. Arnold turns out to be her inspiration to change. His acts bring about the changes in her. However, at the same time as those changes made Connie a better person, and pretty much possibly compel her to develop, Arnold is not to be taken as a
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