What Was More Important for Stalin's Control over the Ussr, Propaganda or Fear?

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What was more important for Stalin’s control of the USSR, propaganda or fear? Throughout Stalin’s rule he used both propaganda and fear to his advantage. When constructing his ‘5 year plans’, he applied great discipline to make sure his targets were met. His first 5 year plan focused on increasing outcome of major industries, such as coal, iron and steel. Due to Stalin setting his targets to high, they were never met. Despite the high amount of productivity that was being achieved, In 1929 factories started working seven day weeks and from 1931 all industrial and transport workers had to obey strict rules or risk being sent to prison. These rules placed fear in many people as they did not want to be sent to prison because without work they had no money to supply their family with food and shelter. The workers seemed controlled by Stalin; if they did the slightest thing wrong Stalin would fire them from their job or send them to prison. This helped Stalin because it mad him feel powerful and that he had the civilians under his power. Some tasks of the 5 year plans were too big that there weren’t enough workers to complete them. The Gulag was created for this. Prisoners were sent to the Gulag Camps to work on the bigger products, such as the Dneiper Dam. Stalin used this to advantage during the time period of his 5 year plans. He threatened anyone and everyone below him that if they did not do their work correctly, they would be sent to the Gulag’s. It was known to be a difficult and severe environment and many were scared of these camps and so tried their hardest to avoid being sent there. Stalin was very wary of the Gulag camps, and if he felt that anyone was spying on Russia or trying to sabotage the constructions, they were put on trial. 55 workers were accused of sabotaging the Shakhty coal-mines and despite their innocence, 5 were shot. Stalin

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