What Mean To Be Like Jesus

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What It Means To Be Like Jesus us tells us that those who follow Him will become like Him. What does it mean to "be like Jesus" in the complex times of today's world? To try and explain how we can be more like Jesus, we are going to examine what Matthew says about being Christ like. To be like Jesus means to accept our heritage. Jesus' heritage was multiethnic and included several questionable individuals. This is found in the first 17 verses of the opening chapter in the Book of Matthew. Jesus is the international Christ, the savior of the whole world. His heritage reached beyond the Jews and included several ethnic groups that occupied the Middle East during the Old Testament history. But Jesus never denied His ancestry or allowed others to shame Him. To be like Jesus we need to accept and understand where we came from, and we want to be sure that we don't criticize anyone else's ancestry. (Matthew 1:1-17) To be like Jesus means to engage the world's pain. Jesus' entry into human life was fraught with awkward tensions and human dilemmas. Jesus was born out of a miraculous, but nevertheless embarrassing conception. His earthly father was considering a quiet divorce. An outraged king who resorted to infanticide ruled the country. Jesus spent His early childhood in a strange culture, and later returned to a homeland that remained hostile and dangerous. Just like Jesus we are born into difficult times and situations. To be like Jesus we need to face up to the difficulties of the world and remain in it despite all of its troubles. (Matthew 1:18-2:23) To be like Jesus means to commit ourselves to other believers. John the Baptist was not an average person. He was born an unexpected child. He lived not in the city, but in the wilderness (the other side of the tracks for that day). He dressed differently and ate peculiar food. Yet John

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