What Is Transcendentalism?

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Josh Crichton What is Transcendentalism? A world where every individual had individual, original thoughts that dictated how that person acted and presented himself, would be the idyllic world worth pursuing, claims transcendentalism. In the current society, a single clip on television, a quote from a newspaper, or an opinion from a peer can determine how one thinks or the outlook he has on a topic. In the essay "Self-Reliance," Emerson states, "A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than luster of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, just because it is his." In this quote Emerson is elaborating on the idea that one must express intellectual independence and nonconformity. The question of, “Why does one rely on others to determine the way he thinks, acts, dresses and speaks?” frequently comes up in the defense of transcendentalism. Two very influential and active authors in transcendentalism, Thoreau and Emerson, both tried to incorporate this idea into their writings. When an individual allows others to influence his own ideas, he showed be deemed weak-minded and ignorant. An individual must think for himself in order to achieve a true sense of “self.” This conformity seems to say that if one follows his dream, he will be able to live a life full of happiness and joy. He will experience more freedom and more spiritually fulfillment. Supposedly, one will only achieve this once he has given up parts of his past life. By living more simply, one will be fully satisfied with his new habits that do not focus on the fiscal aspects of life. If one has partly pursued materialism in life, he may have partly wasted that period of his existence. However, he needs to fill his soul with something more substantial, such as passion for his dream (Thoreau).
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