What Is the Importance of Simon in the Lord of the Flies?

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Simon is a very important character in the Lord of the Flies. He serves as the voice of reason on the island and a potential saviour. Simon is evidently clever although not as intelligent as Piggy. We can point out Simon's intelligence because of his approach to the boys' problems when on the island. His leadership skills are seen by Ralph even though he isn't as old as Ralph and Jack. He is the first person to realise that "the beastie" is not a physical being/animal trying to make all the boys on the island suffer and have a miserable time. Simon shows his courage by his eagerness to make yet another journey to discover the beast's true self. It is necessary for him to become isolated in order to see things more clearly. Along with Piggy, unfortunately, he becomes a symbol of sacrifice when the boys tear him to pieces. Simon is different. In chapter three he helps Ralph build his huts when no-one else is interested. When Piggy does not get any of the crabmeat in Chapter 4, Simon generously shoves his piece over to Piggy. Then, while walking through the woods he helps some little kids reach a branch they are too small for. With the other boys the longer they're on the island the more their values worsen. Simon seems to have an inner "goodness" that does not depend on adults or society to feed it. Overall, Simon doesn't speak much. He is the kind of person who sits back, observes and only speaks if it is necessary to help someone or because he completely disagrees with someone's opinion or view. We see this side of Simon when trying to defend Piggy: "We used his specs," said Simon, smearing a black cheek with his forearm. He helped that way." Simon knew Piggy's glasses were a way for the boys to make a fire which shows he has some intelligence and understanding. The reader can also tell he observes the island as he was defending Piggy whilst building the fire
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