What Is Gun Control In America

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Gun Control in America There has been a steady incline of “ mass shootings” in the United States. Over the last ten years, these shootings have been documented to not only increase in occurrences, but also in the severity of the crime and the number of victims whose lives are taken. These unfortunate circumstances leave concerned American citizens little choice than to rally and advocate for stricter gun laws to be passed by Congress. Progress is notably slow as is to be expected. The new bill proposed by President Obama was shot down by Congress and not voted into effect. One persistent argument of those who advocate for the Second Amendment is that guns are inanimate objects and therefore cannot kill people by themselves. They believe that it takes a person behind the gun to pull the trigger, and therefore the real cause of these mass shootings are society and its lack of restraints on the “madmen” who live among us. There is a simple rebuttal to that banal argument. We have limited control on people’s medical diagnoses, lifestyles, or events that “trigger” said behaviors. However, we should be able to control and restrict the types of guns available to the public as well as and limit the amount of guns on the open market. The government needs to take further action to ban firearms nationwide.…show more content…
The first was committed by James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado at a movie theater. Without getting into much detail, James Holmes entered the theater, set his traps, loaded his arsenal and opened fire on the dozens of unsuspecting citizens. He killed twelve people and injured another fifty eight. How could one man do so much damage in such a short time? Well, the guns Holmes used were a mock AR15 assault rifle, a 40 caliber

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