What Is Antigone's Downfall

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In the start of the tragedy Antigone, Oedipus has died already. Polyneices and Eteocles, the two sons of Oedipus, are at Thebes, competing for the throne. The two brothers kill each other, making Creon the leader of Thebes. With Creon’s newfound power, he makes Polyneices stay on the battlefield to die. Antigone, Oedipus’ daughter, is left with a difficult dilemma between state and family. In the end, she chooses family. Antigone is truly a tragic hero, because her arrogance leads to her eventual downfall. At the start of the play, Antigone is Oedipus’s’ daughter. Oedipus suffers his own tragedy in the stories before this one. Antigone is also Oedipus half brother, since Oedipus married his mother. Antigone's own tragedy is still in motion. Antigone needs the help of her sister, Ismene. Ismene’s submissive and timid personality makes Antigone dismiss it, an example of Antigone's tragic trait. Antigone does…show more content…
Her downfall does destroy Creon, who’s a sinner in every way. Antigone also shows signs of arrogance. Her excessive independence is exemplified when Ismene returned to stand along side Antigone, but Antigone rejects Ismene. Antigone was right to defy the king. The king’s rule was unjust in the eyes of Antigone. Antigone tries to bury her brother, who asked Antigone, in Oedipus at Colonus, to give him a proper burial if he was killed in battle. Antigone was fulfilling a promise she gave her brother and a creditable one. Event thought it was against the will of Creon, the king, Antigone was right to defy this law. There is a distinction between the laws of man and the laws of god. The laws of men are created for the survival and justice of human rights. God’s laws usual don’t keep up with the modern times, and are not usually equal depending on race, sex, and religious institution one may belong
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