What Internal and External Challenges Did the Civil Rights Movement Faced and to What Extent Were They Able to Create Social and Political Change in America?

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The Civil Rights Movement was a time during the 1950’s and 1960’s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights. In order to determine whether the Civil Rights movement was able to create change in America, one must assess the extent to which social and political was changed by the movement. Socially, people were separated and treated unequally depending on their race. Politically, to bring justice to race equality by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act within the nation. Thus, the Civil Rights movement was able to create significant social and political change in America. The Civil Rights movement resulted significant change in social in several ways. First, with the Jim Crow law, which promoted racial separation that caused restrictions, discrimination in employment, housing, and schooling remained a significant obstacle for African Americans living in urban ghettos in the North and the West. This segregation led to the rebellious actions such as sit ins a tactic often used by the Congress of Racial Equality. Sit ins is when black males, often college students that sat down at the whites-only lunch counter. This action demonstrated the effectiveness of non violent protest because it negatively affected the businesses and finally realized the importance of this unequal treatment. Moreover, people through this time of segregation didn’t realized the unfairness among the country. On February 1, 1960, four black college freshmen men sat down at the white-only lunch counter at the Woolworth’s store in Greensboro and tried to order something to eat. A black waitress refused to serve them and claims “Fellows like you make our race look bad. That’s why we can’t get anyplace today, because of people like you…” Similarity, the students went to Woolworth to purchase school supplies. The student got their supplies and asked to be served with coffee

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