What Impact, in the Short Term, Did the Industrial Revolution Have on Crime and Punishment During the Time of 1810 to 1830?

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What impact, in the short term, did the Industrial Revolution have on crime and punishment during the time of 1810 to 1830? Many historians differ over the exact date the Industrial Revolution started, but most agree that it had definitely arrived in Britain by the beginning of the 19th Century. What is certain, as the censuses show, is that from 1811 to 1831, the population almost doubled, definitely reflecting the trends of the Industrial Revolution. However, this essay will examine whether the Industrial Revolution, and also the consequences it brought to Britain, impacted on crime, and the punishment of crimes, from 1810 to 1830, but will also examine the other factors that had an impact upon crime and punishment, and comparing them against each other. With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, society was wrenched into a new era; one where there was a desire for social respectability, and where the workhouses, which came largely under construction in the mid-19th Century after the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, loomed as a constant threat to the very poor. Social discipline became a key motive for hard work; despite a large majority of people living in appalling conditions, “(Manchester was described as) heaps of offal, refuse and sickening filth are everywhere and dispersed with pools of stagnant liquid. A horde of ragged women and children swarm about the streets and they are just as dirty as the pigs which wallow happily on the heaps of garbage or the pools of filth. On average 20 people live in each of these houses of two rooms, an attic and a cellar. One privy is shared by 120 people”, the workhouse was not only a threat in terms of the physicality of it, but it also represented a loss of earnings and poverty associated with poor social respectability. This all becomes relevant when one considers the newly-emerging industrial heavyweights, such as

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