What Does Jack Do With Pig's Head?

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Summary • Ralph insults Jack; Jack walks off • Go on hunting; targets a mother pig • Pig’s savage • Simon’s weird imagination 5 New Vocabulary Words • Cynicism (Noun) – disturbed state of mind • Obscene (Adjective) – being offensive • Laden (Adjective) – Very heavy • Skewered (Verb) – criticizing a person harshly • Vexed (Adjective) – being annoyed 7 Comprehension Questions • Why does Jack walk off? • What does Jack do with Pig’s head? • What is Simon doing? • What did Jack announce? • Why is Ralph forgetting everything? • Who is Simon talking to? • What happens to Simon? 3 Critical Thinking Question • Describe how Jack and his companion kill the mother pig. • Analyze Simon’s character throughout the chapter. • Analyze how the fore coming storm symbolizes the situation on island.…show more content…
It is the only way they can be rescued. The fire is like a rope given to the person who is drowning in the water. The fire is also like medicines told by doctor, which may help the person survive. The fire means everything to Ralph since it is their last hope of being rescued. Real-world Connection • In this chapter Jack kills the pig very roughly. He doesn’t care about the pig and even the pig eventually knows that he won’t live anymore because of extreme savage. All Jack cares about, is that he wants to kill the pig no matter and wants to pure his manhood. This is same with animal too. When lion tries to kill his prey he doesn’t care what the other animal would feel. He just kills the prey roughly, just so that he can prove his kinghood. Important Quote • “the Lord of the Flies hung on his stick” – This quote is said by Simon. He is able to see things and have sense that the other boys are not capable of. In this case, he sees fear, violence, death in other words, himself, and all other human beings captured in the grinning face of the
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