What Are Your Personal View on the Best Methods for Teaching Math?

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Most students presume that mathematics is one of the hardest subjects in school, especially in high school; it is assumed that few of students are good at it. In regard to the pedagogy of mathematics, teaching method between South Korea and Canada have some differences and similarities but I would like to describe only the differences between them. There are three main distinguishable factors worth comparing regarding the pedagogy of mathematics: the strength of basic arithmetic skills, level of mathematic practice in high school and math instructor's ability to lead students' understanding. First of all, the four basic arithmetic skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the most important basic tools for mathematics. They are fundamental skills which are time consuming tasks in order to be developed through the elementary level. For example, if you want to learn English, it would be impossible for you to do that without memorizing the alphabet. In this case, being comfortable with the alphabet could be compared to being proficient with arithmetic. I have seen high school students in Canada counting with their fingers when the sum is over ten: students count seven plus eight equals fifteen using their hands, while the students from Korea answer it instantly and correctly in a few seconds. Secondly, students who learn mathematics in Canada do not have enough practice solving math problems and challenges are not demanded of them in general. They think those kinds of questions are only for the students who are gifted in mathematics. In comparison, students who come from South Korea are already used to trying harder questions or concepts. When they get in the same grades as they were in South Korea after coming to Canada, it is too easy for them at first. However, the only reason they are not able to get good grades in

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