What Are The Causes Of The Labour Union Change From 1865 To 1914

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1865-1914 * National Labour Union ( 8 hour day, banking reform, end convict labour, 30,000 members, FAILED) * Knights of Labour (allowed all trades, 8 hour day, women equal pay, abolish child labour, 700,000 members) * American Federation of Labour ( 8 hour day, no child labour, raise wage, 2million skilled, major trade union) * Industrial worker of the World (unite workers, violent, open to everyone) * Mass immigration hindered development of unions * 1881-1905 7million workers had 37,000 strikes * Molly Maguires (Irish workers who were violent) * African Americans discriminated against (white workers laid off blacks hired) * Laissez-faire * Sherman Anti-trust fund (outlawed business trusts, FAILED)…show more content…
* Homestead strike 1892 (143 days, Association of Iron and Steel Works VS Carnegie steel company, violence occurred, state army called in, bankrupt union, Carnegie steel remained non-unionised, AA membership fell) * Pullman Strike (1894) (American Railway Union VS Pullman palace car company, railway brought to standstill, federal troops and supreme court used injunctions, strike still limited) * 500,000 union members by 1910 * Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (30 new laws, mim wage, low hours, better work conditions) * Clayton Anti trust act 1914 (limited court injunctions to strikes) 1915-1945 * Factory production increased by 35% wages increased 20% * National War Labour Board (talked to unions in return they didn’t strike, only effective during war) * During war union membership rose

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