Week 2 Buss 115

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1. 1. Explain how socio-cultural differences create problems for Walt Disney in opening parks overseas. (Points: 13) Many of the factors in Disney's American parks that make it appealing to American audiences are not as appealing to audiences in other parts of the world. Cultural differences exist among every nation on this planet. Culture can include social structures, manners and customs, values and attitudes, language, and personal communications. Religion is the most important part of culture; it can have key impact on business performance, for instance, the food intake (for example, Muslims don’t eat pork), and work manners can be specifically affected by religion. According to Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh (2010), the company should hire local people to help in every part of the project since it is their culture, they know the language, and what people like and dislike. Cultural differences can also have an impact on important business function such as marketing strategies. Attitudes toward time, competition, and achievement, can be influenced by a person's culture. Understanding the socio-cultural differences is important in managing employees, there can be language barriers and sometimes even hand suggestions can be different. For example, Japanese people like to shop for gifts, and keeping that in mind, you can build your strategy around their need, such as make the gift shop bigger and with more employees. 2. Ethically, would it be fair to pay U.S. employees who are relocated overseas a different wage than local employees receive? Please justify your position. (Points: 13) Personally, I think it would be fair to pay U.S. employees different wage than local employees receive because one would have to support their U.S. based lifestyle, even if it is for the time being. Most American employees who relocate overseas to manage operations earn
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