Weaknesses Of The Constitution

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Constitution Paper Ashley Noe HIS/110 Joel Getz May 4, 2015 Constitution Paper A group of men came up with a group of laws that they felt would be beneficial to Americans. The Constitution addressed the complaints of the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was able to identify and address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. There are many reasons as to why the Constitution evolved, but its purpose has served America well. The Great Compromise, the idea of Roger Sherman from Connecticut, was an agreement for both large and small states to have two house legislature consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives for each state. The Great Compromise or Connecticut Compromise was written in 1787 which was…show more content…
When the colonies became states, they began to act alone or in their own best interest. Thus a new governing document needed to take place for the states to act as one and become a nation. The results of the government were weak and efforts to make it stronger failed. In May 1787 a convention was called to re-write the Articles and draft the Constitution. The Constitution fixed the weaknesses of the Articles by allowing a central government certain powers and rights. The Constitution addressed topics that the Articles did not, like: congress having the rights to levy taxes, congress having the abilities to regulate trade between states and other countries, creation of federal court system, and creating an executive branch that has power of checks and…show more content…
The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Federalist and Anti-Federalist argue the need to bill of rights. Federalists believed the Constitution did not need a bill of right because the people and the states kept any powers not given to the federal governments. The Anti-Federalists believed that the bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty. As a member of the US House of Representatives, Madison reviewed the Constitution making changes were he felt was necessary. Many Representatives argued that Congress did not have the authority to make changes to the wording of the Constitution. This made the changes that Madison made to the Constitution, amendments following Article VII. The House approved seventeen amendments, those seventeen amendments were sent to the Senate where they approved twelve. The twelve amendments were sent to the states for approval. In August of 1789, ten of the twelve were approved and became amendments on December 1791. The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on government power. (Bill of Rights,
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