Ways to make education more innovative

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Education is the backbone of one’s career future. However, education often gives the impression that it is boring. Therefore, we should come up with ways to make education more innovative. There are three ways to make education more innovative. The first way to make education more innovative is by improving the methods of teaching used by educators today. While teaching, educators should try making hilarious jokes now and then and be more humorous. They should also be more friendly and sporting by interacting with students as friends. Educators could try to know the students better, learn their point of view of the teaching in class and try not to be rigid. By creating a more comfortable environment, students can remember facts better. No one likes to study and learn when they are pressured. Besides that, another way to make education more innovative is by having extra activities in and out of the class. Quiz and riddles should be given to students now and then as it is a fun way to test what they have learned. Once in a while, educators should let the students play educational games. Research has shown that fun ways education could boost the memory of the students. Apart from that, field trips should be held more often to let students experience the outside world. By seeing and experiencing, they can remember better. This also interests the better compared to normal classes. Lastly, the third way to make education more innovative is by having group activities like group discussions and group studies among students. By having group activities, students could learn how to do things in a group and develop teamwork among the students. Communication skills could be enhanced as students need to communicate among each other during discussions. In addition, knowledge and experience could be shared among the students. Thus, students could learn about other people’s
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