Waverly Hills Sanatorium Essay

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Waverly Hills Sanatorium Would you believe the unusual treatments tuberculosis patients endured in the early Twentieth century? From operations with no anesthetics to electroshock therapy, Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Sanatorium patients suffered greatly at the majestic hospital. For the patients, it was a living hell. Tuberculosis also known as TB, was one of the worst diseases known to man. Up until the early 1960's, Tuberculosis was the number one cause of death in the United States. In 1900, Louisville, Kentucky had the highest TB death rate in the country due to its location in a low-lying, swamp-like area, which was the perfect environment for the germs that caused TB to grow. In 1910 the Governor of Kentucky authorized the…show more content…
In the year 2004 the movie “D.E.A.T.H. Tunnel” was filmed on location at Waverly Hills. The story focused on local legends, lore, and hauntings. Also, the documentary “Spooked” was shot by the same production company. “Spooked” explored the history and hauntings of Waverly Hills. Waverly Hills has had a very historical past that many people will never know. Unless something is done, the history of Waverly Hills will be gone forever. It is estimated that the building will be completely destroyed within ten years if nothing is done to repair the damage that has occurred. Today, tuberculosis is nearly nonexistent thanks to the research that occurred at Waverly Hills and other TB sanatoriums around the world. But the achievement came at a price. It is estimated that 63,000 patients died at Waverly Hills when it was a tuberculosis sanitarium, and many more during its operation. Waverly Hills is a spectacular place, rich in history, from its days as a tuberculosis sanatorium to a geriatrics center, to an abandoned building. But what will happen to it in the future? No one knows for

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