Water Religion Essay

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Aquaism In religions around the world, water has been an essential aspect of philosophical teaching. From ancient Babylonian mythology to Zoroastrian beliefs to the Qu’ran, water is perceived as not only purification but also the basis for living things. In Christianity, the Bible refers to God as “the fountain of living waters” in the book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 2.13). However, there is not yet a religion that is totally dedicated to the essence of our existence. The world is facing a change that it has not seen before, massive over-population, pollution, and diminishing natural resources are threatening the continuance of all living things. It is time to join together to recognize the most basic make-up of life and a commonality shared by all who inhabit the Earth – water, or Aquaism. In Aquaism, full faith and worship are directed towards water. Water is creation and survival. Without water there would be no life. Water supplies what we need to live as civilizations. Sometimes water can be punishing: hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods forcing us to be repentant and remember Mother Nature, most importantly water, is in charge of this planet and us. The morals and attitudes involved in Aquaism are like many other religions: treat others the way you want to be treated and overcome sin. In our celebrations of and for water we hold sacred many symbols and core beliefs. As full grown adults our bodies are typically made up of around 60% water. As infants it’s closer to 75%. Our earth is made up of 2/3 water. Aquaists believe everything seen today spawned from two hydrogen bonds and one oxygen bond. Therefore, water is the most essential aspect of life and the divine energy that makes life possible. A “ripple effect” spurred as life grew and grew over the course of millions of years and water is the reason. Another central belief of Aquaism is that because water is
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