Was Dunkirk a Defeat or Victory

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In this essay I will be viewing and analysing two different interpretations of the events that took place in Dunkirk 1940. On one hand some believe that the occurrence in Dunkirk that took place was a great triumph for the British army, air force and navy services. The sources that I have chosen to analyze give the view that Dunkirk was a huge success and it was also one of the proudest moments in British history. On the other hand others believe that the incident at Dunkirk was a shameful defeat for the British services instead of a brilliant triumph; once more there is evidence which supports this contradiction that Dunkirk was a major defeat in British history. The purpose for this essay is to closely examine and view each interpretation whether it is a supported view or a contradicting view. I will then decide how far these sources can help me to see whether the people of Britain saw Dunkirk as a defeat or triumph. Some of the sources support the view that Dunkirk was a triumph for Britain and its people; this is because they give me information to believe that it was okay for the British soldiers to return to Britain and in fact it was a great honour for Britain that the soldiers came back. Source B2 by David Low who was a British artist is a cartoon (published in the London newspaper “The evening standard” on the 8th of June 1940) named “Dunkirk- to fight another day.” In the cartoon David Low shows how the British soldiers were told to retreat back to Britain, David Low implies that it was a triumph for the British soldiers to come back home “To fight another day.” In the cartoon it clearly shows all of the British soldiers being taken back to Britain in boats as this was the only possible way to leave Dunkirk. This shows that Dunkirk was in fact a great triumph as the soldiers were brought back to safety. David Low is a British artist who would have been
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